They Were Renovating Their Kitchen When They Stumbled Across A Hidden Safe
When they moved into their home in Phoenix, Arizona, Imgur user sarm and her husband Eddie found what appeared to be the three-digit combination to a safe. They had no idea where the corresponding safe might be, or if it even existed, but they saved the numbers in case they ever found it. They had a hunch that it'd turn up somewhere.
Couple finds hidden treasure worth 10 Million at the bottom of the garden
Judging by the age of the safe, it probably didn't belong to the home's last owners.
That being said, it could have belonged to any of the five families who lived in the home previously.
The next logical step was to enter the combination.
They found $50,000...and some booze!
It was a bottle of James E. Pepper.
They Were Renovating Their Kitchen When They Stumbled Across A Hidden Safe
Reviewed by Admin
4:07 PM