Austrialia's biggest Silver nugget was found in 1925
What is the biggest nugget on record of silver?
Not so long ago a 3,200 1b.mass, assaying 8,000 oz. silver a ton. was marketed by Anton Clement. It came, says 'Engineering and Mining Journal Press,' from his claims in the Gillies Limit Cobalt district, Ontario.
14 Pound Gold Nugget Found in Austrailia. [Shocking]
14 Pound Gold Nugget Found in Austrailia. [Shocking]
The largest nugget or isolated chunk of pure or nearly pure silver on record is a mass weighing 3350 pounds. It would contain 38,146 fine ounces troy if pure. It was reported in 1907 as having come from the Gibson Mine at Aspen, Colorado.
Really, how ever, the record seems to be a mass of 39,600 pounds * avoirdupois that came .from the Caiaverita 'mine in eastern Durango. Mexico. It ran 75 per cent, silver, and was so nearly, pure metallic silver (which is noted for its soft dustility and malleability) that it couldn't: be blasted, hammered, or broken. It bad to be cut with knives and saws.
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Austrialia's biggest Silver nugget was found in 1925
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12:39 PM

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