Story of The Slit-Mouthed Woman
The Slit-Mouthed Woman is an urban legend in Japan. It's about a woman who was the wife of a mentally-ill schizophrenic man. He claimed to heard voices telling him to murder, not only was he schizophrenic, he was also bipolar. His wife's name is 'Kuchisake Onna." This man had physically abused Kuchisake Onna in which she had grew unhappy with him.
When it has been discovered that Kuchisake had found another man behind his back and was planning on having a divorce with him to have this other man, he had grew major amounts of rage. Through this rage, he had knocked Kuchisake unconscious, but the moment that she woke up, she had discovered that he tied her up.
Taking a large pair of scissors, her murderous husband figured he would have to kill Kuchisake before she had divorced him. He then used the scissors to cut a permanent smile in to her face, spreading the cut from ear to ear. The large hideous grin left a permanent wound on her face, he then asked her, "Who will think you're pretty now?"
He then took the scissors and used it to decapitate Kuchisake, upon murdering her, he had realized what he had done. From guilt, he used the scissors to take his own life by stabbing himself in the chest.
Then the urban legend is born that the spirit of Kuchisake Onna walks around the streets of Japan. If you happen to encounter her, you see her wearing a large surgical mask around her face. She approaches you and says, "Am I pretty?" But before you can answer her, she removes the mask and asks, "Am I pretty now?"
Urban legend has it, if you reply to her saying, "You're ugly." She takes her scissors and uses it to remove your head much as she was killed but if you say, "You are pretty." She takes the scissors and stretches your mouth ear to ear making you look just as 'pretty' as her.
But then if you say, "You're average." She stops and gets confused giving you enough time to run off from her but still be careful. She possesses super-human strength and speed and is able to kill off people in the blink of an eye.
Content Reference
Story of The Slit-Mouthed Woman
Reviewed by Admin
1:51 PM

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